Monday, May 14, 2007

Going to the zoo, zoo, zoo....

While Colin was up here visiting we took the opportunity to go to the here is the photographic proof!

The gang at the zoo. Mike, Sara, Colin (me taking the picture obviously) and the two babies! Lilian was in her chariot and was watching us all through the plastic! If you see the nice red spot on Logan's Sara hasn't been beating him again....Logan took a tumble at my house and fell into the bay window seat. Oops!

The only time I get to see a grizzly!

Here is one of the two polar bears taking a nap. Lazy thing.

This is Maggie, our one and only elephant. They are trying to decide whether to keep her here or let her go to another zoo where there are other elephants. It's gotta be lonely being so big and only havinbg little humans to play with :-(

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