Monday, May 28, 2007

Mum and dad visit

Mum and dad are here for a few weeks so be prepared for a lot of boring family photos....sorry!

Out for a walk at Lost Lake in Seward. We didn't find the lake............boom boom

This small (!) stream blocked our continuing along the trail. What with a baby on James's back and mum still recovering from pneumonia we decided to turn back...

We spent the day in Hope with Sara and Jay and went for a walk with the babies on our back!

The cousins seemed to enjoy being bounced around....

To be continued...

Monday, May 14, 2007

Going to the zoo, zoo, zoo....

While Colin was up here visiting we took the opportunity to go to the here is the photographic proof!

The gang at the zoo. Mike, Sara, Colin (me taking the picture obviously) and the two babies! Lilian was in her chariot and was watching us all through the plastic! If you see the nice red spot on Logan's Sara hasn't been beating him again....Logan took a tumble at my house and fell into the bay window seat. Oops!

The only time I get to see a grizzly!

Here is one of the two polar bears taking a nap. Lazy thing.

This is Maggie, our one and only elephant. They are trying to decide whether to keep her here or let her go to another zoo where there are other elephants. It's gotta be lonely being so big and only havinbg little humans to play with :-(

Sunday, May 13, 2007

May 2007

Here are some random recent photos of our precious monster...!!

She is getting some hair at last, which is making her even cuter...and she still loves the new toy!

Here she is in her new sunhat in her funky camping chair on the's NEARLY warm in Alaska and we'll know summer has really hit when the mosquitoes are out in force!

Uncle Colin came to visit so we spent some time with him, which was so lovely...

Never too young to go on the shoulders...though you have to keep their hands off your hair!

Here is the backside of our car on a drive out of Anchorage....just to prove we do have sunshine and blue skies!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

New toy

So to save our arms and shoulders from a certain little person who wants to stand a bounce and bounce and bounce.....we finally gave in and bought a funky bouncy thing. It also rocks and the seat turns and there are all sorts of EXCITING toys all around it! Oh wow! It has certainly been worth the money so far....

Food food glorious food

Although she is still a little young yet for the whole arena of solids we have been trying on and off and she is enjoying the experience....
I think not.....
But there is still the trusty back up of plastic links that taste good no matter what way they are cooked!!!!!!!
Such is my blissful life as a get excited about the seemingly dreariest and boring things and spend your life finding ways to make your 18 lb chubby cheeked smile factory giggle. There is no life I would rather want right now!