Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New experiences

Here is Lilian with her first try at rice cereal in her new high chair! She wasn't at all sure what to make of it all and wondered why her mum and dad were laughing so much! Her facial expressions were just classic! I guess we will just keep trying and one day she may work out how to eat off a spoon and not let all the food dribble down her chin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is one beautiful little girl you have there, all the pics on here are gorgeous! Thought of you foriegners ther other day, I was watching TV and "Natural World" were not only in Alaska, but in Anchorage! That rang a bell, but I had to call Matt to check that was actually where you guys are! lol
Anyway, hope everything is going well and you're capturing all of Lillian's changes.

Beccy xxx

p.s. She so has Kelvins ears! hehe