Friday, March 24, 2006

Canal vs Mountain...

My little brother (catch him at ) has joined the blog revolution, and has shamed me into writing a lot more on my blog than I have done thus far. If you want a really good laugh then read his blog and some of the comments made....I appear to have been born into a family of comedians...not sure what happened to me as although I try hard to be funny people usually end up laughing AT me rather than along with me..... Oh well. So that aside I will attempt to make my little bro so very jealous of the wonderful city I live in by posting a load of pictures that I have taken over this winter!

This is what we get to see from our sitting room window. BEAT THAT canal boy! Or how about this....

How much snow do YOU get huh? This is a wider view from the same window. Cool huh?

So on the subject of snow. We got a ton last weekend and this was me taking a photo out of our front door...

And here is curious george...sorry I mean Oreo...deciding that the warm indoors is much more preferrable to a few feet of snow. He does get bore cooped uop indoors a lot though and will be happy when the snow will I in fact. I do LOVE the snow and have enjoyed all sorts of winter sports and hikes and sledding and all that this winter, but as we have had snow on the gound since November now I have to confess to be ready to see some green again. Of course, we will have a number of weeks of slush and mud (commonly called by the locals here 'spring break up') which is NOT pleasant, but necessary unfortunatley. Oh well. Roll on sthe summer!

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